I'm alive...

Mar 14, 2009 03:24

I havent posted much lately because i havent had much to say besides the usual ranting and raving about job, money, life. It's always all the same. The same wishes and dreams that never get fullfilled. I need out of here. NY drives me nuts, or maybe i'm just going nuts because i havent had a true vacation in.... almost 2 years, and even then it was a strained vacation at its best. As much as i would like to leave , i cant. MONEY.

I'm also pretty sure i need to get my wisdom teeth removed but im dreading making the hone call and appointment, but this pain is slowly becoming unbearable. It started a few months ago with constant dull headaches. These headaches have turned into massive migraines, or my bad days, and my jaw just throbs until the pain meds kick in. The tooth broke through the gum and now its pushing on the tooth next to it causing my pain. Just seriously, evolution, we dont need these teeth just knock them out of there for future generations. Really though, i'm actually hoping my dentist says that i have to get all four removed because well then i wont reall be able to eat for a week and i know i'll lose weight. Its a horrible thought to have but just knowing i can only suck down soft, cool things for days makes me so excited. I think it's the past person in me. The young girl who enjoyed starving herself to be thin. This was all so long before most of you knew me, back in the days of middle school and early high school, the days before i stopped caring about anything.

I need to write to my new penpal. I told her i'd send her letter out this week and i havent written it and i feel like a horrible person. But i really enjoy writing to someone i dont know. It's a nice outlet, and allows me to meet people through out the country and the world. I know i could do it all on her but that is so artificial.

Resident Evil 5 for the 360 is seriously the best game to come out this year, thus far. Chris played over 12 hours today and its probably going to be what we do tomorrow before i have to go to work.

Time for bed. I'll write more again soon. I forgot a lot of what i wanted to say. Oh well.
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