if you're in seattle

Apr 29, 2005 15:55

the girls and I are going. (lake washington highschool is my old school)

> Please join us, Sunday morning May 1st in a peaceful visitation to a group
> that has recently been very hostile to the LGBT community. We will be
> attending a church service of Antioch Bible Church, whose pastor, Ken
> Hutcherson, claims responsibility for the recent defeat of Washington state
> gay rights legislation. We're looking for a firm commitment from at least 4
> more people who are willing to attend the 11:00 church service on the east
> side. The more people we have, the better. This activism concerns the
> church's lobbying Microsoft to reverse its support of state House Bill 1515,
> which bans discrimination based on sexual orientation. Our idea is that its
> harder to hate individuals with whom you've had actual contact.
> We are outraged that a group that calls itself Christian is publicly
> lobbying for hate and discrimination against LGBT people. Ultimately, we
> want to get HB 1515 passed next year. We will not stand by and do nothing
> when a church group openly engages in bigotry against certain groups and
> bullies private industry to support public policy based on discrimination.
> We want the members of Antioch Bible Church to question their church leaders
> who have publicly opposed basic rights for LGBT people. By introducing
> ourselves as LGBT individuals, or as friends and supporters of LGBT people,
> we aim to introduce these church members to options for viewing
> non-heterosexual people as human beings that deserve the basic rights and
> human dignity that heterosexual people already have. Our aim is NOT to be
> hostile. Rather, we aim to clearly state our support of LGBT rights, while
> being friendly and sociable. Our goal is to instigate questioning among
> church members about leadership that dehumanizes certain individuals by
> trying to deny them human rights, and to be visible, clear, and proud of our
> support for LGBT people and our/their rights.
> Antioch Bible Church is using a public facility the Lake Washington High
> School in Kirkland to hold its church services each week. We believe that
> the Lake Washington High School should stop renting space to Antioch Bible
> Church based on Antioch's public lobbying of discrimination toward LGBT
> people.
> We'll be meeting at Lake Washington Senior High School in Kirkland on Sunday
> May 1st with the aim of entering the gym (where the church service is held)
> as a group at 10:40 a.m. We'll meet on the benches in front of the Gentle
> Resource Center (turquoise
> roof) at 10:15, when we'll distribute pink arm bands and buttons that say
> "Equal rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people". We will
> have also have note cards with talking points for those that want them.
> We'll enter the gym as a group with our arm bands and buttons clearly
> visible. Once inside the gym, we'll sit in a loosely dispersed group at the
> front so we can each have contact with as many church members as possible.
> Our aim is to be friendly with church members and make clear our support of
> LGBT rights and LGBT people. We're notifying the news media in advance, and
> will have personal video cameras and audio under cover to use if we are
> asked to leave by church officials. We'll comply with all laws. This event
> will end at noon.
> If you need a ride, call me ahead of time and we will get you into the car
> pool loop. Even if you don't need a ride, please call or email so we know
> about how many arm bands and buttons we'll need, and so we can get you on
> the list for last minute details. If you know of others who oppose
> discrimination against LGBT people, you can forward them this message or
> have them contact me to get on the info list. Since this information page
> contains my personal contact information, please use discretion before
> posting it in a public place. Bring a small tape recorder if you have one
> (some cell phones and PDA's are good digital voice recorders).
> Felicia Mueller
> email: hb1515@gmail.com
> 206-297-9574 or cell 206-714-4345
> Lake Washington High School (at the Gentle Resource Center, next to Chapple
> Gym)
> 12033 NE 80th Street Kirkland, WA
> Please also consider contacting Mark Robertson, principal at Lake Washington
> High School at
> 425-828-3361 or mrobertson@lwsd.org . Let him (or his secretary Darla) know
> that you as a taxpayer oppose his allowing a group that openly lobbies for
> discrimination to use a public high school as its meeting place. What sort
> of message does this send to the students at this high school? Is Antioch
> Bible Church getting special treatment? What is the district discrimination
> policy and must outside groups comply?
> You can also call Don Saul, School District Superintendent at 425-702-3257
> or email him at dsaul@lwsd.org .
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