what's with

Sep 13, 2007 12:35

Alright, first things first. Here's a detailed list of my "What's wih...?" list.

What's with...?
*Facebook? If my friends want to talk to me that badly, call my cell phone. It's like the world got lazy and decided no one wants to hear tone of voice anymore. Rediculous.

*No handicaps in Harry Potter? J.K Rowling made an entire WORLD. You'd think she would add realistic character traits like handicaps and maybe a few more flaws other than "Hi, I'm evil. Thought you ought to know." DIVERSITY!!!! I know the books are based on Harry, bu C'mon! What if a deaf child is reading the book and thinks, "Gee, people who are deaf like me aren't good enough to be in a new world." You know what I'm saying here..

*Freedom Fries? Why did we rename them? "Oh, France is gonna be sooo pissed cuz we renamed fried potatoes." Der, like they'd care. I know i didn't last long, but still... WTF?

*Movies where EVRERY WOMAN is dumb? ...Uhhh.. thanks?

*Cow tipping? ....I admit, this one is kind of funny, but if you were a cow, would you want to be tipped over? Seriously... Moooove along and find something else to do.

*Clowns? yuck. I mean, you know... Yuck. You want to look at something with that much makeup? Go to a street corner at night.

*Porn? Guys, are you that desperate? Go get yourself a girlfriend. It's not that hard. Seriously. And if you're nice to her, which is NOT very difficult either, she'll most likely end up screwing you one night...In the long run anyways. And if you want something that quick, *whispers* Find that same street corner where people look for clowns. If you're too lazy to spend money for a hooker, but you spend money for porn... You are definitely stupid.

*$$$$ Money? It's going to take over the world. Giant dollar bills will attack you during the night.

*Drinking? You want to get a buzz? Go attatch yourself to some electrical wires.

*Drugs? You want to get high? Climb a mountain.

That's all for now.

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