(no subject)

Sep 19, 2008 11:41

Dear pedestrians of St Andrews

I am a learner driver. This is evident by the fact I drive a car covered in stickers advertising the driving school, L plates and a big sticky outy sign on the top. Im certainly not able to exercise stealth during lessons. With that in mind, perhaps if you see me coming (and I really am quite careful except when I press the accelerator by mistake, but dont worry about that, its a dual control car), especially when I am driving myself home for the first time and coming round a mini roundabout that you could GET OFF THE FUCKING ROAD AND DONT JUST STAND THERE IN THE MIDDLE STARING AT ME LIKE A GORMLESS CHUMP WITH YOUR TAKEOUT COFFEE IN YOUR HAND. It would also be helpful if others of you didnt stand in the middle of the road talking to your mates and expect me to magically shrink the car down to micro machine size and squeeze past you. Cannot be done. My steering isnt great but even if it were perfect, I'm not going to make it round.

Ok? Good.

Love and Kisses


I swear my driving lessons would be a lot easier if everyone else on the road wasn't a complete and utter moron. I really mean that, it isn't an excuse. I make some mistakes because I am a learner, but my biggest problem is the fact that everyone is an imbecile.
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