Feb 13, 2008 10:09
What it is girls.? It was snowing yesterday, and now its just sleet and rain. BUt works fine for me because less clients in our salon, i work front desk, so i dont care. Its my last week at this job so finally im moving on to something more professional, closer to my degree. Im excited but scared at the same time. It is a little intimidating, start working in a new place, and i dont really have any real experience at social work, but we shall see.. it will be ok, im sure. As in relation to my binge that i had thes past two days, im hoping that its over, cuz when i stay at home and start eating 'normaly' it always escalates into a binge. But damn i will be starting to take control! My diet pills Lida worked pretty well at supressing my appetite but latelly they stopped working as well, or maybe i've relaxed and just allowed myself to be a pig and eat whatever even if i wasnt hungry. I know this is a forum for girls with ana and i know its not exactly the case for me, i guess, but i think my problem is that i think about food way too much, and I always feel the pressure to be thinner and i love the feeling of emptiness in me, i would like to gain more control over my compulsive eating, and oh the list goes on and on, i just want to find some other girls that deal with these issues and as i read many of ur journals i find inspiration in them especially in the stories of success. When i read about someone being able to gain control over themselves, it gives me hope.
Anyways thanks for listening:)