I know it's been about forever and a day since I've updated! I guess it's one of those times where you're too busy living to document it.
I'm participating in
Reverb10, an initiative throughout December, designed to reflect on this past year and manifest what comes next. I only found out about it today, so I'm five days behind. So, for the next few days, I'll be doing a couple at a time until I'm caught up.
December 1 - One Word.
Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?
The year 2010 has been up and down - I've had highs and lows, triumphs and failures...but the one thing that has remained constant has been the feeling of change. It's hard to look back to January...eleven months seems like an eternity in my memory. I've discovered what I was capable of with hard work, dedication and discipline, that I was worthy of the world's opportunities, I got to get in touch with my ancestors, I began to publish my thoughts for the world to see...and I even cut off my hair.
As for next year? Well, Magical certainly wouldn't hurt, would it? Two thousand and ten, amen. It's been great. Two thousand and eleven, I can't wait to get acquainted.
December 2 - Writing
December 2 - Writing. What do you do each day that doesn’t contribute to your writing - and can you eliminate it?
Wasting time on sites like Facebook, Livejournal and Google Reader has probably been the biggest thing that I do that doesn't contribute to my writing...or anything productive, in general. I've installed an application on Google Chrome called
StayFocusd, which curbs my use of these sites after 35 minutes. Extreme, but seeing this
deterrent page is enough to get me back on track. Slowly (emphasis on the "slow") but surely, I'm weaning myself off those time wasters.
I plan to keep up with this one - I really like the prompts so far.
Here's what I've been up to recently:
I'm preparing for finals and getting ready to go back to Maryland for the next couple of weeks to celebrate Christmas cheer with my family.
I have a final in Government and Politics of the Middle East on Monday, which shouldn't be too bad - 2.5 hours long, four essays. Wednesday I have Political Science Research Methods, where I have a statistics exam. I have the rest of the week off, then it's the official Finals Week - I have Stars, Galaxies and Cosmos, Developmental Economics and then Intermediate Mecroeconomics (which is going to be a pain, but I have time to prepare at least).
Then it's home to Maryland, via the Pitt Shuttle. I can't wait!
PS: Girl Talk is the truth. If you haven't downloaded
All Day...just go do that. Now.
Now...back to Girl Talk and studying.
PPS: For all of you who convinced me to watch The Vampire Diaries - I hate you all. And the last episode was crazy!