(no subject)

Nov 25, 2005 14:02

hey everyone whats going on.....
this weekend was cool, and I really hope that everyone had a great

anyways 23 days till my birthday yeah!!!!!!!

*so has anyone been in a situation where, someone is telling you to go for this person, but you can't cause you know it'll end badly?
*have you ever:
been in a relationship that you knew was going to end soon?
*Have you ever:
seen yourself in someone elses eye and realized your not the person they believe you are
* have you ever:
been in love with someone not in love with you
* have you ever:
been dating someone that loves you but you just cant say it back?
HAve you ever :
seen a friend on drugs and seen all the stupid shit they do?
HAve you ever:
sat and stared in thin air and have someone ask you what your looking at...but you not even know
HAve you ever:
tryed to be someone else just to fit in?
Have you ever:
stop to think about what if you didnt talk to this person today ,what would it be like
Have you ever:
been after a guy only to find out a gurl you know wants him too?
been in an accident and wounder if you'll make it
HAve you ever:
made out with a friend and things turn out all screwed up in the end

these are some things to think about one to be for sure this is the question that haunts tons of people

are you happy with the person you dating
are you happy with your friends
are you happy with the actions you take
are you happy

these are things just to ponder on.......
everyone needs time to think
thinking is good for making life choices on dating ,family ,friends,
this is for some of my friends that need help with problem they are having
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