So this morning I was nauseous. I discovered that checking "drinking" on my
signs chart decreases my "chance" of being pregnant by a pretty significant percent. The program uses its database of signs entered and correlates them to pregnancies achieved. Apparently, most women don't drink while ttc. I think right now that I have something like a 47% chance of being pregnant.
I'm also starving, but that's par for the course with me.
I'm in an all-day meeting today from 8AM to 5PM. I arrived at 7 and helped my co-worker get set up for the meeting. I helped her with printing and meeting set-up. She's working for the guy who was driving my insane schedules before, and he has been pushing her pretty hard. Meanwhile, she's getting the same pushback I received to not work any overtime, nights or weekends. The result is that she was mandated not to work this weekend when he needed her, and now he's annoyed with us. My management drives me crazy sometimes.
Friday night Burgundy had a Halloween party at the house. She had a really good turn out with 8 or 10 kids. Mostly they ran around and acted like sugar-drunk hoodlums. I broke out the katanas around 8 and sent them into the front yard. I ended up in the fray myself against an 8th grade boy whom I'm pretty sure is one of the "popular" kids. Nobody really said anything, but he carried himself just so. Also, he was really grabby with this one girl, and I had to remind him several times that this is a hands off party. No tickling, no hugging. Twice in front of his mother. I think he was less intentionally gropey than he was just absolutely not in control of himself. Too much sugar and testosterone or something. Afterward, Burgundy overheard me grousing to Mark about it, and she said something like, "Yeah, he's one of those boys, and all the girls like him, and I don't know why."
Saturday and Sunday mornings I rode with Kelly and Zinnia again. We rode 20 miles even on Saturday starting and ending at Coffee Oasis in Seabrook. Sunday we rode 13.8 miles round trip from Paradise Coffee.
The service was absolutely horrible at Saturday morning at Coffee Oasis. She messed up my charge for my order, then took like 20 minutes to get the food and drinks out and was incredibly rude to me when I ask about it; then one of the drinks was crazy wrong (like a frappuccino instead of a venti pumpkin spice latte); then it took them nearly 10 minutes to get the drink corrected, and when they did correct it, they argued with me about whether or not my friend's drink should have been replace more quickly, and they gave her the wrong size. It was so bad that I called Rusty (the owner) on his cell phone while we sat in the store. I told him the whole thing and that I normally wouldn't call, but a lot of people witnessed this and got bad service themselves, and he needed to know what was going on at his store. Then I felt like a total shit because the girl in charge brought out a free drink card about 20 minutes later, and she tried to keep her composure, but she started crying, said she had been sick and ran off. Did I overreact?
Poll Saturday afternoon we took Zinnia up to the
Bowling Schwinn Store in Pasa[get down]dena. She rides a gorgeous bike; I don't remember the name, just that its lines make me salivate. Unfortunately, she still rode with tennis shoes and pedals, so we took her to Bowling so she could get a pair of Sidis and a set of red Look Keo pedals.
After that, we went to Mamacitas, where I ate fish tacos for the first time ever. So. Blinking. Yummy. I kept holding off trying them because it just sounds so gross. Fish tacos calls to mind every nasty thing I've ever heard a Jr. High boy say. But now I'm a believer. I plan to buy some frozen tilapia tonight and try my hand at making them at home. Yummy!
Sunday we had marriage counseling with Don and Tracey and made some real progress. Maybe more about that later, but I'm tired now.