Have been neglecting my journal for what seems to be like an eternity. Oh wells, I have been spending majority of my time in LJ on
sid_stock rather than on this account. >_< (I translated more than a dozen entries in half a day yipee! ^_^) I think I have only been using this account to comment on Livejournal clothing stores in a bid to secure pieces of clothing that I fall in love with. (I seriously think that I am a perfect specimen of the female human species where shopping is concerned haha.)
Oh wells, amidst work, teaching tuition, my weekly manicure sessions, camping for blogshops launches and translating for the SID community, I hardly have time to update my journal!!! Grr... Although I am slightly more active online lately especially on my twitter account thanks to a spanking new mobile phone powered by the Android operating system. (You have to kill me 1st to make me an Apple iPhone whore. >_<) I was also more tuned into online platforms thanks to all the news surrounding the local political elections in Singapore.
I have this weird sadistic liking for anything political... *cues evil laughter* And I have the photo of my mud-encrusted legs to prove it! (I can say that waddling in mud more than 30 centimeters deep to listen to a political rally is the most adventurous thing I have done in my life seeing that I refuse to do anything that will render me unglamorous ever since I was 10 years old or something.)
However, no matter how I love seeing differing viewpoints by others regarding what I fondly refer to as political rubbish, I don't engage in these debates. (Unless you share my point of view. Of course.) Everyone thinks differently, so actually I can't be bothered with people who tries to stuff their elitist opinion in my face. If your favourite politician lost, too bad for you. If mine lost, then it is my problem as well... *Points to a tweet directed at me by an ex-classmate regarding a candidate whom I supported but lost.* The candidate I supported lost, but I don't see the need for you to point out to me (in your opinion obviously) as to WHY he lost. Did I try to justify why the minister you supported lost when he suffered defeat?
I may be a bit harsh, but whatever.
I think I shall just go back to pretending that I am a bimbo who cares more about split ends and SID than serious stuff... >_<
Most people don't like change, but I think change is good once in a while.
Just like my nail colours. :)