Oct 05, 2008 21:55
I'm taking a break from Prod next sem.
European Film Studies sounds like an interesting enough elective, doesn't it? The prod class is too heavy and I think my grades really took a blow this sem, what with moving to the north, taking on my minor, and being first blood in JEeP. Add to that having to pick up after myself for the first time in 20 years, and having to live in the world of dust that is Katipunan and all the other stuff, I think I really did badly this sem and it frustrates me. Because it's not like I didn't try, you know? I've studied more this sem than the past two years combined. I ACTUALLY STUDIED, YO. It wasn't the fake stress that was just brought about because everyone else was stressed or I didn't stay on the internet for 4 hours then was still able to cram a paper and still get a B+ basta UGH I really, really tried this sem and it pisses me off. I'm pissed at the system, at myself, at all the small things that made my life infinitely harder. Like not having constant access to internet, or a printer or the u-turns being closed which caused like end of the world type traffic all the time while they simultaneously took away the trikes which TOTALLY messed up my whole time-table of how long I should take getting ready. Gaining weight because I don't know how to cook except fry things and I can't afford to eat out everyday for every meal. And the unforgiving heat in the morning then CRAZY rain at night. The stupid flash flood. Having to walk in the rain because you didn't bring your umbrella because it was sooo hot kanina and THERE ARE NO TRIKES and your laptop is getting wet but what the hell you really need to get the readings that you left in the condo. You know, small things like that that make you want to punch someone right on the schnauzer.
So yeah, I'll probably take a break from Prod next sem.