So I thought I lost my laptop wire.
There are two reasons that I would be screwed if this were to happen:
1. I'm trying to sell my laptop so that I can get the whole buy-nikki-a-macbook thing going.
2. I need to write a paper for tomorrow, and my groupmates are starting to freak out about it already. Sheesh, calm down, people!
I bothered Cel at her place, thinking I had left it there because of my haste to get out of their hair last monday. Nowhere to be found. I went downstairs to the net place I frequent, not there either (I had left Bea's crash stand there once and was still able to get it back. So I knew they gave things back.) I asked the freakin' guards if I had stupidly left it somewhere outside. Nuthin. I crawled on the floor of my condo, thinking it had been kicked under the couch but all I saw were dust bunnies. (Don't freak out ate Kris, Rosa's coming tomorrow. Hahahaha.) Finally I went upstairs again to 1619 since I was going to have rehearsals there anyway for Rich's
hay_buhay play and finally, when I looked inside my laptop case, I realized that it was there, only I hadn't noticed that it was there because for once in my life, I had tied up my wires neatly and didn't form the usual huge lump to let me know it was there. Yeah I think the stress is getting to me.
Today while I was showering I thought about whether or not another me would be my ideal "best friend." But then I realized that if I (meaning another person exactly like me and not just me as in me which is pretty sad) were my own best friend, we would be the biggest sloths in history. We'd stay in all day, watch FRIENDS, and have the time of our lives. If we get tired of it, we'd talk about maybe doing something fun. But before you can even say "couch potato," we find my copy of seasons 1-4 of How I Met Your Mother and we'd be right back where it started. So yeah, I'm glad my friends aren't exactly like me. I'm glad that I have the friends that I do, because you guys are awesome. :)
I'm on Boracay Mode already, which is not very good for my grades. So, where are you going to be on March 29? :)