Nov 25, 2008 16:13
I have a couple kilig crushes but I'm glad that it hasn't become more than that because these days I've really learned about myself that I should not be in relationships. At least until I can not be a psycho jealous type anymore and I learn to be as cool a girlfriend as I can be a friend. Gets? Hahahaha.
But recently there have been a couple couples (hehe) that have been proving that love does exist, and love does persevere, and according to my sister and her new little game (ask me about it and I'll do it for you too!) I'm getting married at 28 and because of these couples this albeit superstitious thought that 7 years and 8 months from now I'll be getting married does not horrify me to my very core. It's quite sweet actually, almost like serendipity.
But yeah, for now I'm immensely happy with Mary Moon and with my studies (I got a 3.0 in my first quiz in Philo so yay things are looking up!) and my friends and my life and my family and right now a girl can't really ask for anything else. I'm happy with my little kilig moments like "omgawd he just totally paid attention to me" and "omgawd we totally just chatted on Facebook."
My friends and I made a vow to be a kinder person this sem and the fact that I've made an effort actually has given me some rewards. How small it may be. You should try it, loves. :)
So yeah, I'm a happier person right now, and no pile of readings waiting for me in the condo can change that. :)
I love you parents! I love you ate Kris! I love you Mary Moon! I love you Panx! Thank you for loving me and never giving up on me!