Funny User Pics

Oct 05, 2008 22:27

I was browsing users looking for an old friend when I noticed the userpics of some of the people.

This one gets a giant gold star for making me laugh out loud! It's so hilarious and cute. Gakked from redhawke. You rock!

The fuzzball is so cute! I think this is how I look to people when I get frustrated and start yelling.. Gakked from cricket24.

Taken from storm_in_az's userpic directory.
OK. This is how I look when I run. Seriously. I had to grab it. I remember getting out of the shower a couple weeks ago and forgetting my towel, I ended up running around the apartment naked, wet and very cold.. all the while my boobs were smacking me in my eyes! I really wish I was joking..

I've always loved this one. It's so simplistic and cute at the same time. Squee for kitties!
Again, taken from cricket24.
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