4 hours until 2009

Dec 31, 2008 18:55

Counting down the hours, and soon to be minutes til the year 2009, I wanted to look back on 2008.

Some great things and some not so great things happened this year.

This year was the end of my senior year of high school, and the beginning of my first year of college. Such a bittersweet year.

Senior year was beyond fun, I did a lot of things, prom, grad nite at Disney, football games, homecoming. it was so much fun. Graduation was almost overwhelming. it was very surreal. it went so fast, and i can't even believe i graduated already. After graduation, i lost touch with everyone but about four people. It's kind of sad, but you lose friends, and gain friends, so its all good.

Speaking of gaining friends, I met a lot of amazing people this year, and became super close with them: Kat, Gabby, Tori, Tina, Lucy, Josh, Carolina, Joey, JC, & Mel. They are some of the coolest people I've met. I don't think I'm forgetting anyone. I can not forget about all the amazing girls that I've met through myspace, but have yet to get to meet in person, Laura, Amani & Karyn.

My graduation present from my grandparents was trip to Hawaii. Hawaii was absolutely beautiful. I had so much fun there, and I can't wait to go back. I learned to surf and I got to see a volcano, and swim with dolphins. One of the best vacations of my life, and best gift ever. Oh yeah and that was my first cruise too. I never had been on a cruise, I didn't get sea sick except it was a little weird trying to go to sleep the first night, I could feel the waves. Really weird.

I went to a bazillion concerts this year and met pretty much all of the bands. My favorite had to be going to Push Play, I saw them for the first time in May, the second time in July & the third & fourth time in November. I can't wait to see them a ton more times in 2009. They are extremely talented guys, and I'd love to see them go far, and they will. Another highlight of this year was seeing Joey Page for the first time in concert, and then traveling to Louisiana to see him, where I had gumbo for the first time & fell in love with it. That stuff was delish. I think I met him like 5 times this year, the first being at the Jonas concert in March [= That concert rocked, I love those boys, and can't wait to meet them. They really came far in one year. I can't believe almost over night all that's happened to them.

Oh yeah and speaking of meeting Jonas, my 2008 resolution didn't happen. I doubt in the next 4 hours Jonas will be on my doorstep, since they are in New York getting ready to perform at
Dick Clark's Rocking New Years Eve.

College, what can I say about it? It seems almost pointless, a waste of time. Oh well, gotta go to get my degree so I can become a CSI and work for NYPD!! woo! dream job. I'm super excited for it. I did horrible my first semester, but I'm planning on doing A LOT better this semester and the rest of my college career.

This year I couldn't really think of a New Year's Resolution other than my resolution for 2008, which was to meet the Jonas Brothers. I'm making it my resolution again this year, because I WILL meet them this year, I'll do whatever it takes. My other more reasonable resolution, is to exercise more often, like run etc. Get in shape, and stay in shape.

Happy New Year Everyone!


happy new year, 2008, pkj2, jonas, kevin jonas, 2009, pkjii, jonas brothers, paul kevin jonas ii, k2, push play

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