24/7 Monday to Sunday Night

May 23, 2010 03:55

This is SS501 stan post, not interested? Move right along...

(Updating as more stuff comes out)

As an international fan, I preface this by saying that I was not at the concert, but am living vicariously through pictures and fancams.

But as I'm sure other fans will agree, this concert was bittersweet.

I say bittersweet because while I hope that it will never happen, the realist in me knows that this could be the last Dream Concert for these 5 boys. With the contract conclusion nearing, it is possible that they won't resign and go their separate ways. Like another fandom that is on the verge of collapse, I believe these boys are best together, doing what they do best, entertaining. They are gorgeous, talented, and endearing men who for five years have delighted fans across the globe.

There are many in the international kpop community who are largely unaware of how solid a fan base SS501 has in Korea, or how large of one at that.

The chart on the left is the original seating chart.

The chart on the right is how the seating turned out
Triple S ended up with the entire left side as their own (there is even a small section in the lower tier with Kara)

The result was an impressive Green Sea.

image Click to view

Triple S is not the largest (within the top 5 as far as numbers though), nor are they the most vocal (passive fan club is passive). What they are, is dedicated and patient. They waited patiently for Double S to return from Japan (twice). They waited patiently for the first (and only) full album. They waited patiently for the 5 to reunite and release an album after more than a year of individual activities. They waited patiently for the end of the Persona tour. And now they wait patiently for another delayed mini album. I have never seen another group of fans as patient as Triple S has been.

The amount of love the fans show the boys pales in comparison though to the boys love for their fans. They take time to write messages on their companies home page, and even interacting with fans through the forum. Kim Hyun Joong even opened up an online game room to play StarCraft with fans. They personally wrote a beautiful and touching song about the fans (as lulzy as I find the term 'Green Peas', I admit it's cute). They accept gifts humbly, as they would rather receive letters (and for the fans to buy albums instead of gifts xD ). I could go on and on about the SS501's dedication to their fans, but that's an entry in itself.

The Dream Concert was supposed to be within the promotional period for their new album, but sadly it came before the release. It was evident that when they took the stage that it was with heavy hearts. Not only for the album delay, but not being able to perform their title track due to Kim Hyun Joong's injuries after his car accident. Regardless, the boys looked handsome in their black suits.

Kim Hyun Joong

Heo Young Saeng

Kim Kyu Jong
(I personally love his suit)

Park Jung Min

Kim Hyung Jun

Seeing their fans, hearing their chants, it was hard for the boys to keep the tears.

image Click to view

The first song they performed was 하루만 (Only One Day) from the Rebirth mini. Just from watching the fancams you can see that the boys were tearing up. With their fans cheering them on the boys performed beautifully. I'm sure there were a dozen emotions going through them, happiness, regret, excitement.

Park Jung Min, trying to hold back the tears.

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Kim Hyun Joong, singing towards the Triple S section.

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Young Saeng keeps staring off into space, but is all smiles when he looks towards Triple S

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Kim Hyung Jun

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After the first song finished, they said a few words, apologizing for not performing the song they wanted to. To which fans replied "It's ok" (or something to that affect, I've seen three different translations). All smiles, but you can tell they're still sad.
(embed disabled) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8leqHWVvsc

The second song performed is a ballad off of the new album, Destination, called 그게 너라 (Let me be the one). It may have not been the song they wanted to perform, but the fans cheered happily regardless. The song is gorgeous, and performed beautifully to the delight of the entire crowd (I adore this song, and can't wait for my copy of this album).

Hyun Joong, smiling =)

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Hyung Jun playing up the crowd

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JungMin <3

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Kyu Jong, he gets better every time I see him. Plus he looked so happy to be there.

(video removed =( )

When the song finished the boys bowed, saying thank you and left the stage.

The performance was short, as were all the nights performances, but it left a deep impression on me, as I'm sure it did all the fans who were there and have watched the fan cams as well.

(There is a finale performance of all the groups, but I haven't seen any fancams for it yet). They did not participate in the finale, and their portion of the concert was cut from the televised broadcast for undisclosed reasons by request of DSP.

After the concert, Hyung Jun and Jung Min left messages on their fanpage.

Credit: http://ss501.dspenter.com/
Don’t reedit+HOTLINK
English Translation: SS501fighting.wordpress.com

You’re the best

although will think mind is sick because is a ballad music which will do emptily too .

The moment when sees the green pea when I look up .. saw the one that I want

Thank you very much, thank you, I’m sorry, can not express the words out.

Our triple S who gave us support from far, to our Green Pea who did as a favor together

I’ll look better in return.

What come up. Today trembling, the happiness, and the impression is always in my heart

I’ll stay. I love you. Join together, the Green Pea gave us support Pearlite green owner,, Triple S

Always with me, That’s too good today ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let me Love ya ~ ^_^ Bless you comes a lot of Rain

See you on June 4th


Music video will be filmed pretty well~~

Good night~~! (in Korean) Oyasumi~ (good night in Japanese) Wan an! (good night in mandarin), Good night! (in english)

credit: DSPent
Trans: crazynoona @ 501wangja.multiply.com

Today..? No Yesterday veryveryvery~ thank you...!! (thank you very very very much)

Triple S's cheer was so terrific..!! hahaha

Music video will be out soon~

Have to practice dance

Chest pain? I'm also having a headache that is why I'm still awake here writing this message


Today's memories I will not forget~~^0^*

And going to the big stage? We~~? ^ ^

Jung Min also left messages on the forum TokTok (which is highly unusual for him)

credit: crazy501 + SS601
Translations: josie501wangja.multiply.com [Chinese-English]

어여자요~!! 나도 흉통과 두통이 계속되어서 잘꺼예용!! [정민]

All of you go and sleep!! my chest and head are still in pain~ but I am also
going to sleep~!! [Jung Min]
ㅎㅎ 고맙스무니다~모두 감사할머니다!! [정민]

he he thank you~~ Thanks to everyone[Jung Min]
키키루12는 뭔가 아는 친구군..굿나잇. [정민]

Kikiru12~ seems to be a friend that I know..goodnight..[Jung Min]

(Posting at 4 am leads me to believe that Jung Min was partying it up after the concert)

On the 27th, the new album Destination will be released. Almost a month later than the original 5/01 date. Disappointing, but from what has been heard so far, and knowing that the boys do not put out albums unless they are satisfied, this album will be perfect. I don't even care if it is a mini at this point. A lot of preparation has been put into it, and expecting a great deal of new photos (if there's one thing about SS501 that I love, they are never short on imagery). Three weeks of promotion is scheduled in support, and after that....? Well we can all hope for the best, and have faith that no matter what our boys will be Five together as One Forever.

This is the only kpop fandom I will support until the end. This is the only kpop group that has touched my life.

I may not have been there in person, but the Dream Concert was a dream for me and for all Triple S. I will support them no matter what. SS501 are five of the weirdest, cutest, sexiest, shyest, and humble men I have had the pleasure of listening to and coming to know through variety shows and videos.

I can honestly say that I will be a Triple S and Green Pea forever.

I love these adorkable boys.

esp that one
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