What a day...

Apr 05, 2005 00:51

First day back after Spring Break! Yeck!

I had an absolute blast on the cruise over Spring Break. There is too much stuff to put in here, so ask me directly if you want to know about it...because I know you're dying to know about Playa 69... ;). Aside from that little invitation, I want to be back on that boat cruising down the Caribbean! It's so beautiful to watch the ocean go by, day or night! We need you, Imade! Anthonius, dance for us!

Today was interesting to say the least. This morning when I arrived to pick up Caroline, we discovered that the shirts we were wearing for the Spring Break T-shirt day were just about exactly the same color. Of course everyone else noticed this at school and had to crack jokes about our matching outfits. Looks like the Marlin shirt I picked out wasn't such a good choice after all...lol.

School was a little tough to get through, after having been off for so long. I was back to my usual nonsence - Ms. Brown ALWAYS catches me asleep when I fall asleep for 30 seconds or less! Mrs. Jacobi put me to sleep as well with her ramblings about the upcoming research project that I am dreading...grrrr....

After a relatively uneventful drug information class in Current Events, we headed down to the Activity Center for a concert given by the local band The Marlins. I felt sorry for the guys - it must have taken them forever to get set up and they played for what? A half hour? 45 minutes? It was really nice of them to come!

After school, I learned that my game in the ping pong tournament wasn't scheduled until 4:30. Caroline and I got McDonald's ice cream as usual (it's so freaking good!) and went to the pet store to see what puppies they had in and play with the birds. They two people that own the store are so nice and the animals are hilarious! We got back to Providence pretty early for the tournament where I played K.C. Harpring. He soundly defeated me in the first game, I believe the score was something like 21-11, but I held my own for most of the second game. He narrowly beat me 21-19, throwing me out of the tournament with a best 2 out of 3 wins. I still had fun playing, though!

Caroline and I were going to Dillard's to look at prom dresses when my front left tire blew out on 131, launching the hubcap and completely deflating my tire. I limped the car over to AutoZone and proceeded to try to change the flat in the parking lot. The lift jack that came with my car was a total piece of junk; AutoZone wouldn't let me borrow a jack (asses...) so I had to struggle with mine for about 15 minutes until I gave up and started calling friends. I reached Duffy Smallwood and he brought me a 2 ton hydraulic floor jack, allowing me to change the tire in about 10 minutes. I thanked him profusely and headed to the gas station for some air to inflate the tire. We then drove up and down 131 looking for my hubcab. I pulled over and played a big game of Human Frogger getting to one section of the median to search for my hubcab. I couldn't find it so I headed back to the car. Caroline suggested I look on another section, so I headed back out into traffic and walked a little way down the median. I found the hubcab (what would I do without Caroline?) just as I heard Sandy Gilland yell to me from the side of the road; she had stopped to help. How sweet of her! I indicated I was OK and headed back to my car. I'm now driving around on a spare donut until I can get a new, real tire...damned ugly thing...

I took Caroline home and hung out there for a while before I had to go pick up my sister and dinner from Subway for my family. I came home and promptly fell asleep on my bed for about an hour and a half.

Got bad news from Xavier's finance people today. I don't even want to go into it here...I've emailed them a desperate plea for help in which I basically begged them for more money...we'll see how that turns out.

Anyways, I'm off for some random Web surfing and chatting with Caroline. I'll catch up with you all later, have a good night!
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