(no subject)

Dec 15, 2003 15:16


I arrived back in the 'ham around 5ish PM, to mom and dad already cooking us a nice meal :), and then watched some Duke basketball. Haha, then I crashed in bed around 10:30 PM, pitiful huh?

Not as pitiful at what time I would wake up today: 2:40 PM. YEA. And I wouldn't have woken up but Homare kept hitting me with the pillow, "Miho, you've slept longer than I have ... wake up." WOW, and I didn't even wake up once. That means, my parents woke up, made breakfast, left (including opening the garage which is damn loud), Homare woke up, ate breakfast, and then watched some TV. Saying I was officially asleep last night at 11 PM (and I'm sure I was) ... that's a new record for me: 15 hours and 40 minutes. And to think, I could've slept even more. WOW. I have some talent.

Today is going to be a lazy-ass day anyways, cause I can't remember having one of those days in a long while. Granted, last Friday and Saturday I technically didn't have anything to do because I was done with school, I still managed to clean, laundry, and do some Christmas shopping. I guess I slept so much last night since I only got three hours of sleep for the past three of the four nights. Not good. Yea, so I'm thinking I'll make some Christmas cards, catch up on some TV, and rest ... god knows I need it.

Oh, we caught Saddam! Wow ... the whole thing seems surreal. The man looked so disheveled and confused, and I'm surprised that he didn't use the pistol to kill himself first. Lord knows what we're going to do with him ... I still remember sitting in 7th grade Mrs. Smith's history class, and her saying, "More than anything, we need to get Saddam Hussein out from power. Because as long as he is in power, the US will be facing lots of problems dealing with Iraq." ... Funny how we remember certain things, you know?

Hm, tomorrow Homare and I are going to do some shopping. Wednesday, I hope I can make some visits to all my favorite 'bama people. Thursday, Indian Springs Christmas Concert! I can't wait!

Off to the shower ... it's good to be home.
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