A question for Journey

Jun 23, 2006 21:40

For whenever she gets a computer and can check this. NONE OF THE REST OF YOU ARE ALLOWED TO ARGUE AND/OR ASK :| stuff...blah.

Someone brought up a good point to me about feminism:

The original definition is fighting for social, political, and economical equality. Now in this era, where by political standards we have that equality (in the sense that the laws say we have that equality), I was asked why is feminism needed. I explained that by psychological standards, it is still needed. Men still psychologically assert themselves over the women, while the women still have that psychological aspect that tells them to obey and be weaker.

Now, I was saying that the woman who is dominant, who uses her body without exploiting herself to get what she wants is a feminist. Granted, I wasn't given much of a word in edgewise, but they argued this was not feminism. It was just what the woman enjoyed to do.

I need a better argument, to be honest. Or at least a way to make them see it from my point of view, since they are refusing to see it eye to eye and don't let me get in a word. I'm still on the term that, YEAH, the laws have been made, but that hasn't changed the thinking process. Yes, there are men who are feminists, yes they help. NO, feminism does NOT MEAN MAN HATING. I dunno, I need your help :\
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