23 1/2 weeks--and i'm 30!

May 14, 2011 17:48

I'm 30 today!  So far it's been a really fun day.  Stacey's mom invited us to join her at her beach cabin in Pacific City, Patrick got my birthday off (yay!), so Stacey, Patrick and I (and Seven) headed down last night.  Stacey's mom was already down here.  We relaxed and played games until we got sleepy and then we went to bed.  I woke up just after 8am this morning, which felt great. Conor usually gets up around 7 or 7:30 on the weekends since he's so used to getting up by 6:30 at the latest on weekdays.  Patrick got up shortly after I did and made us all french toast and bacon for breakfast :)  DELISH!  Then we took a nice long walk on the beach, and headed down to Lincoln City.  I wanted to see if I could find some shirts that fit, but that didn't happen.  I did buy two cute little outfits for Hayley for our baby shower wednesday.  She and I are having a joint work baby shower! One of the outfits I picked out is so stinkin' cute that I really, REALLY want to just keep it for myself and get her something else! haha.

We got back from Lincoln City, had PB&J, fruit, chips, took showers... now everyone is napping and I'm awake.  I'm not much of a napper for the most part.  It sounded nice, but I wanted to read instead!  So I read Hunger Games for a bit and now I'm updating this blog :)  And eating raspberries.  I maaaay have just finished off an entire container of them.  They're so good!

Tyler should be here somewhat soon and tonight he and Stacey are making us fajitas (yummy!!).  We also plan on doing a little trout fishing... I'm wondering if the rain stays away if we might try doing a little tonight.

It's been a good, relaxing birthday weekend so far :)  Next year i'll do the big partying thing with all my friends--this year i'm just too stinkin' tired to be fun haha.

In terms of pregnancy, things are going well!  I had an appointment last wednesday, it went well.  Baby's heartbeat is strong, my weight gain is where it should be...  My next appointment is the big one where I have to do my glucose testing and I have to get my rhogam shot (for the negative blood type).  And they couldn't schedule me on a Wednesday, so i may have to bring conor with me.  We'll see!  AND I think I might get to schedule my c-section!!  That appointment is May 31st, and then my doctor is going out of town, so my appointment after that isn't until July 6th.  Long time!  So if I don't schedule my c-section at the may one, it'll definitely be scheduled at the July one.  Patrick and I are hoping for August 31st.  It's the earliest they'll let us schedule it, but we want it for then because it's a Wednesday and patrick's day off, so then he can potentially spend more time with us at home.  So we'll see!

Ok I'm going to post a belly pic on facebook and then get back to reading my book :)
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