Oct 06, 2008 16:54
She reads the sentence. She reads one word. She comprehends the word. She reads the next. Understands. She puts those two words together. Attempts comprehension. She reads the third word and upon the last syllable the fact that she has to string that word, that comprehension with the previous two brings confusion and unpleasantness through her brain and she gives up.
It's just that easy.
She looks down from the projection screen and stares down at the newspaper. Why even bother.
It's times like now when she tries to figure out, which is worse; to be too strung out to realize you are strung out, or to be so strung out that you realize you are strung out?
The complex thought excites her and she realizes that, perhaps, she has taken too many drugs to care about the things that sincerely don't matter. That it isn't about how you comprehend, it's about what. Quality over quantity. Cliches are cliches for a reason, of course.
And inconsequential classes are just the beginning.
Negative and jealous friends who find pleasure in seeing her suffer is another. Those who can't be happy for your happiness is an obvious enough reason to have that person removed from your life. The fact that she has lost her oldest, closest friend to this reason is one that doesn't bring her sadness or regret, but it's the underlying reason of her constant state of euphoria. It was when such negativity was out of her life that she could finally find pleasure in all other aspects of life.
And the negative experiences that are bound to happen (or, for some, far too often), even for the most positive or the most strung out? Those are the best, enjoyable in a way, because the knowledge and growth one gains is absolutely essential and beautiful.