One chemistry unit down (only two weeks late! I rule!), one to go. The one I just finished had a lot of heady conceptual visualization for fourth graders. ("Everyone put on your 'nanovision goggles' and imagine what's happening with the molecules.") The one I will start revising tomorrow actually has 'splodey things. Okay, it's only somewhat reactive and safely contained 'splodey, of course, but still more excitement than usual. Apparently once you hit the age of nine, handling chemicals is okay, but at the age of seven you
can't even read the word 'alcohol' without people going off the deep end. Whatever. I don't make the rules and I have no idea who does, but as long as someone gets to mix chemicals in a baggie, I'm happy.
And so it goes on the Big Curriculum Project. If anyone is harmed in the making of this unit, I'll be sure to let you know.