Grump, grump, grump

Feb 17, 2004 21:13

I am told that I wrote 'lovely' report card comments with no grammatical errors. I think I actually laughed when I was told this. But I still don't care. This is not what I want to be remembered for when I die. (Is writing a tombstone similar to writing a report card comment? You'd sure have to condense a lot into a small space, at least.) Can I have my life back?

Oh yeah, and I hate my class and they made me cry. After school though. Today's trick was that we had a "moment of silence" before everything we did. That actually seemed to work, mostly. And someone actually said, "Aren't we wasting a lot of class time doing this?" Yes, I replied, but it's faster than me repeating the directions 8,000 times. Maybe this will get back to the powers that be and they will just fire me. That would be nice.

And I am reading this book for one of my classes that states: "Resistance is socially constructed by the discourse in classroom communities. Resistant students are not resistant all by themselves. Resistance in this view has a history; it begins with playfulness and boredom and only later turns to anger and frustration and the apparent formation of identity as a resistant student...Student resistance is discourse co-production."

Co-produce this, you academic fuckhead. Let's see you try to teach second grade. Is screaming and puking a discourse?

Of course, though, he's right, which makes me just want to stick my head in the proverbial sand.

teaching, emoting, wtf, academia

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