Jun 15, 2006 10:31
wonderland was the sshhhiiiiiiiiiit!
know what else is the sshhiiiit? double dates. thats right i fuckin said it. actually, scratch that. double dates with friends that actually like my boyfriend. i've got a total of 3 friends so far that actually like hanging out with him, i've got a few that destroy his soul with their words and then i've got a few that just completely refuse to acknowledge his existence.
anyfuckinwho..sarah's boyfriend gets 4 free tickets every 40 hours he works which is every effin week! the four of us are going every weeeeeeeek. yo there were noooo line ups! i think the longest we had to wait was 3 minutes. damn son we went on every single ride atleast twice and stayed on the wild beast 8 times in a row with MY TIT POPPING OUT EVERYTIME WE WENT DOWN. fuckin top gun video tapes you throughout the entire ride. didja know that? if the tape didnt cost 40 fuckin dollars i would have bought it and used it against ryan cuz i'm pretty sure he had a minor heart attack as we were going down the drop. oh there is also sound so all you here is a faint "EEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeee". those shreeks definately didnt come from me.
fuck i'm late for work