
Mar 24, 2014 08:20

Miracle of miracles, Mom is home. And I think home to stay--until the next time. She's had a lot of therapy to get her there, going up and down is slow for her still, but she's walking around the house and happy to be home after three weeks.

My youngest sister's there until my brother arrives on Wednesday, and he'll take over for a while. None of us know how long, but hey, we're grateful. Meanwhile, I'll be calling every day to check in.

As long as she keeps up with her therapy exercises, it'll all be good. We just have to hope that once she's off the prednisone, the numbers for her polymyalgia don't increase. She's worried about that, of course, but then she worries about the worst-case scenarios. Like I do. Apple here doesn't fall far.

I'm glad to be home and in my own bed. I slept like the dead despite two small dogs in the house. (Yes, we're dog-sitting again. Surprised? So were we. The middle child forgot to ask us if we would.)

On the agenda: a drawing of the tree the daughter and son-in-law-to-be are getting married under *with* the fence, and oh, by the way, a generic couple in front of the tree. I'm sure there was a reason I didn't hear that last bit earlier. I'm trying to get her to use fingerprint birdies, since everyone is going to sign in with a finger leaf print on it. The whole concept is very cute, but I have to say I'm over Pinterest.

We'll see how successful I am with the convincing. She arrives this afternoon so we can deal with the veil. She wants something very simple, and I have to test that what we've got is really what she wants. She's not as visual as I'd like, so her disappointment with every Halloween costume I made after the age of ten is rearing its ugly head.

There's school stuff. House cleaning. Painting the child's old room. Putting a futon frame back together with the new mattress and cover. Cleaning my office closet and getting rid of stuff in the office in general.

Dusting. Despidering.

Yeah, there's never a dull moment around here.
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