Mar 15, 2014 14:44
But now that I have internet and phone service for a few minutes again, not as annoyed as I was. with my luck, this will last an hour at best before it disappears.
I had to chat with Fios help on the phone, and not with a keyboard. Plus, I was stressed out, so that made it even more difficult. Add in that the repair service won't get here until tomorrow morning sometime.
Mom's pneumonia is not gone, so she's back on antibiotics. She also took a downward slide yesterday, so although her voice sounds just fine, she's not walking well. My brother went to her PT session yesterday, and had them do a balance test on Mom. Even she could see that it wasn't good.
So, with luck, another 7-10 days in rehab before we have to decide if she's going home. Mom knows she's fragile, but then so are most of her friends, and she holds them up as if to prove if they can do it, so can she.
Still no writing. Still nothing but school--for two more days. Wednesday starts vacation, and I'm zipping off to Fresno until Sunday. Then I'll be back and the next seven days are all wedding related.
Someday, I'll have a day off, but it's just not going to happen before mid-April. If then. Deciding on how Mom's health is doing. We're the only ones with available space to take her in, so there's that, too.
*And then let's add in the little fact that LJ and Wordpress are not playing nicely together. I'm timing out LJ, since I'm pretty darn sure he/she's the culprit.