Mirrored from
Marsha Sisolak.
It was a writing kind of weekend. Saturday was five hours of critiques and hanging out with other writers. A wonderful way to feed your inner writer-reading and hearing what others have to say, and making certain you have something to add to the conversation.
Most of the Freeway Dragons are published, and Rachel and Henry got Nebula nominations this year. I’m excited and hopeful for them, and pleased with the makeup of our group. Mind you, I don’t belong, really. I don’t feel as though I’m on the same level, or maybe it’s just that I stopped submitting and growing the past couple of years. Lord knows that I have a ways to go. Plot still defeats me. Pacing is a hurdle in the current story.
So I took a critter’s advice and ripped out an entire scene.
Guess what? You can’t tell it was ever there. So I may be doing this forever after. Years ago, Charlie taught me to do a one-sentence outline for each scene, and I really thought I’d had enough happening in that scene to make it work. (Granted there were other scenes with a lot more, and maybe that’s what I should be working on: more bang for my buck per scene.)
Sunday, I hit Google hangouts with Rachel and a few others for a couple of hours rewriting. That worked very well for me, and I’m going to be repeating that process. Just like the olden times when we used a chatroom, but with pictures and audio and only typing on the page.
Last night’s writing was a few sentences: on a kinder book, that I’m writing with the EOs. There’s thirty-nine of them, and we’re currently working on writing simple stories. We’ve had lots of days planning them out with sketches. But yesterday, we decided to rewrite The Three Pigs-we’d read several rewrites already.
Enter The Three Little Hares and the BBF.
I didn’t finish the entire thing because they’ve got to come up with the right chant before I can finish the tale. (As one of my kids said, “Copying an author’s words is stealing, Mrs. Sisolak.” I wonder who taught them about intellectual property copyrights? ;)
And now I’m off to battle another day into submission. I wish it were Friday.