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Jan 10, 2005 23:35

I'm finally back in good 'ol Adrian wooo! I really really did not wanna come back (mainly because I'm lazy and didn't feel like packing up all my shit just to unpack it again). For those of you keeping track, I'm on roommate number three this semester. For those of you just joining me, a quick re-cap: Roommate #1 - Dayna. I went in blind last year and ended up with Dayna for a roommate. She was just about the exact opposite of me but we got along great. I remember many nights trying to fall asleep in a room full of drunks. We had fun times together but her shenanigans (whoa) proved too much for Adrian to handle and she was banned from coming back this year. Roommate #2 - Rebekah. Now since I didn't find out that Dayna wouldn't be returning until after all of our housing information for this year was due, I basically got screwed. I was randomly assigned a new roommate over the summer. She was, for the most part, a nice girl (excluding the time she tried to get me written up for alcohol, but we won't get into that) but we weren't friends...days would go by and we wouldn't say more than two words to each other. Well, turned out at the last minute (once again after all the housing information had already been turned in for next semester) she decided she wasn't coming back to Adrian so I was once again left high and dry without a roommate. Roommate #3 - Amy. So far so good. She was a commuter but decided to move onto campus this semester so she's really excited about getting out of her house and into the dorms. She's really friendly and so far we've been having fun trying to re-decorate our ugly room. Hopefully things will actually work out this time.

I had my first couple classes today and it went pretty good.
1. Design Process and Presentation (9:00 - 11:30): Dubbed the "interior design class from Hell". Awesome. Apparently a lack of time management in this class will kick your ass (New Year's resolution #1: improve time management skills). No book required, although we did have to buy some nifty templates...which are basically $60 stencils. Ah well...
2. Modern Architecture and Design (1:30 - 2:20): This is basically a continuation of my favorite class from last semester. I already have the books, know how the class works, and got an A last semester so I should be good to go.
3. Descriptive Astronomy (3:30 - 4:20): I keep telling people I have astrology, but I know that's wrong. This is the biggest class I've ever had here...50 people! We walked in the room and everybody was like "whoa!", which basically means we are a sad little private school. I've heard you don't need the book to get through this class which makes me happy, I can deal with lectures and no homework.
4. Descriptive Astronomony (7:30 - 9:00): I hate night classes. The good thing about this one is it's only once a week and I heard it always gets out early, so that's not so bad.
Ok, I'm sure that was long and boring for you but I like review my schedule and see where I stand (plus now all my stalkers out there will know exactly where I am on any given Monday...oooo, lucky you). I aiming for the big 4.0 this semester, something that, believe it or not, I've never in my life achieved. We'll see how it goes.

Alrighty. I'm getting sleepy and I have to wake up bright and early for my 9:00 tomorrow. Plus, I'm sitting in my neighbor's room typing on her computer but she's not here right now and I'm pretty sure she's about to come back any time now and catch me. Night.
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