Day Zero- Winn Fanfic

May 31, 2011 22:38

Title: Day Zero 1/?
Author: Mshorr
Rating: Hard R. Language and sexual content.
Pairing: Will/Finn
Characters: Will, Finn, Mrs. Hudson
Warnings: Mention of premature ejaculation and masturbation.
Note: This is my first fanfiction of any type so I hope you like it.

I of course do not own Glee. If I did Will and Finn would have a very different student/teacher relationship.

William Schuester was hot. Not just the hard-bodied-just-the-right-amount-of-chest-hair way, but in the oh-god-please-turn-off-the-sun way. At least Finn was relatively certain that Mr. Schue had to be. Otherwise there was no reason for the young Spanish teacher to have forsaken his sweater vest. As he surveyed his teachers rolled up sleeves and opened collar Finn found himself silently cursing the heatwave. How was he supposed to make it through a summer of Spanish classes when the only thing that he could think about was how hot Mr. Schue looked and how much he wanted to lick the drop of sweat forming on his temple just under his curly hair and “oh fuck mailman-mailman-mailman... fuck, fuck, not working!”

A hot, sticky, and very (secretly) enjoyable moment later Finn came back to his senses in time to realize that Mr. Schuester was asking him a question.

“...alright Finn? You look like you’re about to be sick.” Mr. Schue said, concern creasing his brow. Now a lot of people though that Finn was an idiot. He’d come to terms with that in middle school. He wasn’t. He just sometimes took longer to get to the answer than others, but he usually got there. In this case, in this one glorious moment, he saw an opening and took it immediately. “I’m not feeling so good Mr. Schue, I think that maybe I should go to the nurses office.” This was immediately followed by a blush because the entire class (all twelve of them that had to take make-up Spanish) were suddenly looking at him.
Finn tried not to shift in his seat in embarrassment, it was bad enough that everyone could see the blush. He was pretty certain that the cooling mess in his briefs wasn’t going to feel all that great when he got up to leave the room anyway. So instead he stared straight ahead at Mr. Schuester and kept thinking, “buy it. Come on Mr. Schue, send me home, I can’t stay here now.” Like a mantra or a lifeline of thought playing out in his own mind. Not that Finn was all that concerned with mantras or lifelines. At that moment the only thing that he was concerned with was getting home, showering, changing and figuring out how to look his Spanish teacher in the eyes ever again without blushing or ruining his underwear.

After a few seconds, that felt like a few hours to the teen, his teacher finally nodded his assent. “The nurse isn’t in during summer session Finn, go ahead to the office and have them call your Mom to come get you.” Finn wasted no time in doing just that.

“Honey, what’s wrong?” Finn’s mother asked as soon as she walked through the office doors. “You look like death warmed over. Do you have a summer cold?” Finn felt bad about lying to her. He knew that she’d been trying so hard ever since his father died when he was little. He did it anyway. “I don’t know what’s wrong Mom. I have a headache and I feel like I’m about to be sick. Maybe it’s the heat.” It was an effort for Finn not to pull back when his mother laid her hand on his forehead. His skin felt over-sensitive after his little accident earlier. Plus the idea of his mother touching him while his pants were full of... well, it was just creepy.

After a few minutes of concerned cooing they were on their way home. Finn counted it as lucky that his mother took his silence as a sign of him not feeling well. Otherwise she’d be pressing for more details about what was wrong. He didn’t think that, “Mom, I’m pretty sure that I’m gay for Mr. Schuester” would go over all that well. Not that he was gay, he thought to himself quickly. “I love chicks. I love how soft they are, and how they smell so nice, like wool and aftershave and... No that’s Mr. Schue. Shit I’m so god-damned fucked up.” Thankfully Mrs. Hudson was not privy to her son’s thoughts at that point. Her driving likely would have been affected when he was mentally praising the awesomeness of boobs and side tracking into how much he’d like to run his fingers though the little bit of chest hair above Mr. Schue’s collar when he leaves the top button undone.

When they arrived home Finn was immediately hustled off to bed by his mother. That was Monday. He did not go to the school the day after. Or the day after that. His mother spent the week convinced that he had the summer flu. Finn spent the week convinced that he would not jerk off while thinking about Mr. Schuester. Of course, neither of them were correct.

On Friday Finn’s mother came into his room and sat on the chair near his bed. “Sweetheart, it looks like you’re feeling a little better. I called your teacher and told him that you’d be back to school on Monday. He’s worried that because summer school is so much shorter than the regular school year that you won’t be able to catch up.” Finn winced internally as his mother spoke, he knew how disappointed she’d been when he failed Spanish the first time. “I’ll work real hard Mom. I promise.” He said desperate to show her that he wasn’t a failure. She smiled and stroked his cheek. “I know you will honey.” She said. “That nice Mr. Schuester offered to keep you on after class for a couples hours each day for the next few weeks to help you catch up. We’re just lucky that you have a teacher who’s willing to go out of his way to help you.” Finn groaned mentally at this. The last thing that he wanted right now was to be alone with Mr. Schue. Well, not the last. After all the baby drama with Quinn, fighting with Puck and failing Spanish the absolute last thing that he wanted was to disappoint his mother again. “Yeah, that’s really nice of him.” He responded.

Finn couldn’t tell if the twisting in his stomach was dread or arousal, but he knew that he was going to have to come up with something better than the mailman to get through the next couple weeks.

finn/will, glee, winn, fic

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