It should have been a pre-Christmas chuckle, but this was just brought to my attention (from Gigglechick's blog) "T’was the Night Before Christmas (Legal version)"
“Whereas, on or about the night prior to Christmas, there did occur at a
certain improved piece of real property (hereinafter "the House") a
general lack of stirring by all creatures therein, including, but not
limited to a mouse…”
And also?
A meme!
Four jobs you've had in your life: babysitter, retail sales clerk, trial preparation assistant, intellectual property rights manager
Four movies you could watch over and over: Hunt for Red October, The Wizard of Oz, Monty Python - The Holy Grail, Animal House
Four places you've lived: Woodstown, Flemington, New Bruswick and Princeton (Griggstown), New Jersey
Four TV shows you love to watch: (besides BtVS and AtS) "Bones", "House", "Midsomer Murders", "Trading Spaces"
Four places you've been on vacation: France, Wyoming, Montana, Florida
Four websites you visit daily:
Live Journal,
Daily Kos,
America Blog,
Atrios/Eschaton Four of your favorite foods: grilled salmon, B&J's Coffee Heathbar Crunch ice cream, Cheerios, French Brie
Four places you'd rather be: Not at work, Key West, France, Italy