It's been a while since I've stopped by. I've found this year that excessive blogging can be an addiction like any other, and I try to avoid getting caught up in it. Cold turkey is the key to quitting. (TM Buffy)
Of course the downside is that there are also my friends online in RL who I've missed.
Anyway, I've been chugging along dealing with life in all its fullness and got smacked in the face by a whopping dose of seasonal melancholy and the inertia that it causes. In part, it's always this time of year that I miss my mother the most but I find myself wallowing in pessimism about the world around us and cynicism about our officials and the media that report on them. It's supposed to be the season of Glad Tidings, Peace and Goodwill, isn't it?
That said, once in a great while I read a story that reminds me that people have a lot more in common than the divisive and acrimonious picture painted in the media. Here's one.
A Muslim Sings Christmas Carols.
The families will be converging on our house this weekend. I'm behind schedule - as usual. I'm going off today to do the mad Christmas dash, picking up the last few presents and wrapping.
Best wishes this holiday season and a happy and healthy New Year to all.