Tag! I'm it!

Jan 25, 2006 20:34

redeem147 tagged me.

"The first player of this game starts with the topic of "5 Guilty Pleasures" and people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about 5 Guilty Pleasures as well as state this rule clearly. In the end you need to choose 5 people to be tagged and list their names...".

Welp. Let's see. I'm very unsurprising.

1. Shoes. I'm sure it's a surprise to everyone who knows me that I do love me some shoes. Or boots. There's no better high then buying new, soft leather or suede, with heels... stacked... or open toed... sling...backs. Guh. Is it getting warm in here? And socks! While I'm at it, because they go so well with, you know, shoes. Ahem. So what if I have to sneak them into the house so hubby won't know that I"ve bought yet another pair of shoes and/or boots. Guilty. Pleasure!

2. My computah! Not exactly a surprise, but my husband called my iBook "the boyfriend". I *think* he was being humorous about it. *shrug* Well, the iBook has been passed down to the daughter and the new "boyfriend" is called "Powerbook". Mmmm... *Dreamy sigh* So sleek. So smooth. It's a guilty pleasure because it does take up a larger proportion of my time than it should, and my sweet, patient hubby is so understanding. The pr0n helps, but still.

3. Ben & Jerry's ice cream. In general. But the Coffee Heath Bar Crunch is da bomb, yo. I can't. Stop. Eating it. Once I start. It's evil. [/Captain Kirk voice]

4. Watching David Boreanaz in... well, anything really. And preferably in very little. He can act - now, but even when he couldn't, you know, who cares?

5. Surfing the web at work. *shhhh* Don't tell. I mean, don't get me wrong. I work hard, but there are times ... when I like to see if I can window shop at eBay while I'm trying to do too many other things at once, and see if I can do it all without anyone knowing that I've just purchased a pair of Prada shoes while on a conference call with outside Counsel.

So, hmm... tagging: angelbuffy0, canadiangirl_86, theantijoss, ba4ever , and ralkana .

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