Sep 06, 2006 14:00
We all have different modes of operating in our lives; varied facets of our personalities that shimmer like the little fractures in opalescent stones. I not only have different facets to my personality, I have entire array of characters. These intriguing avatars often act through my body without my knowledge. However, through the power of self-awareness and a vast assortment of cunningly named seven-step help books, I have become aware of these trapped angels and demons of my inner child, all caught in various stages of my maturation process.
Further, I have named them.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce to you to Misty, Maureen, Millicent and Moraga. This quartet of extra (or is it intra?) Mshathvris will often post without my knowledge, consent, or awareness; however, during a "family meetingsatanic Hitler-channeling party" they agreed to post using either the italics, bold, underline or strike settings in order to absolve me of responsibility for my/their actions and also to conveniently make a Misty/Maurie/Milly/Maggie post more easily recognizable. This convenient method of operations will not only clarify to you that one of my inner children is posting, it will also satisfy their urge to be seen and recognized.
Each of these four inner goddesses possesses a distinct personality. I can't really articulate the nuances of these four women when I speak as the whole of my sewn together patchwork self,
Or are we all girls?
but I can guarantee that you'll get to know each of these women
Holy shit, she's really going to let us do this!
as they take their turns at the writing desk of blogdom.
I'm already tired of this.
I beg you for your patience as these girls
Is thing on?
express themselves in a public
or not so public
forum for the first time. I'm sure we'll all agree that
ruining Mshathvri's reputation
self-care is important
and boring,
so I ask you, dear audience, to
remove your clothes
bear with us/me as we voyage together in this attempt at
revenge for keeping us tamped down
family unity.
wait for it