And the cat's name is....

Jul 30, 2009 21:24


This comes from a suggestion over on Flickr that we should name him Sterling Cooper, after the ad agency in Mad Men. So I suggested just "Cooper" to The Boyfriend, and we both found enough pop culture references to latch on to that we deemed it an acceptable name. So, next in a long line of family cats (Jamshid, Weedle, Poe & Momo), we welcome little Cooper to the fold.

All of his toys, by the way, will be named Diane.

So that's the good news. The not-quite-as-good-news is that we got his blood test results back from the vet. He tested negative for feline immunodeficiency virus and leukemia, which is awesome, but positive for the Feline Coronavirus. From what I could research about the coronavirus, it'll either be mildly annoying and predispose the cat to colds, or it'll end up in Feline Infectious Peritonitis, which is incredibly fatal. And there's really no way to know in advance which it'll turn out to be, or when.

As with so many other things in life, this is beyond our control, and therefore not something I should worry too much about. All we can do is make sure the cat has clean, healthy surroundings, stays reasonably stress-free and happy, and not be surprised if things start to go south.

In the meantime, his relationship with The Dog is kind-of-sort-of evening out. He occasionally jumps out around corners and surprises the poor pug, which is probably stressing him out. But it's only been one week that we've had the cat - time will out, I'm sure, and if their interactions thus far are any indication, I'm pretty sure they'll end up getting along just fine.


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