Sometimes it's good. Y'know, that stable, predictable feeling you have about the world, knowing that each day will, fundamentally, be like the one before. Water is wet, black is black and the sun rises in the east. Nothing wrong with consistency in this benighted world.
Having said that, consistency can sometimes be damned disappointing.
CBS News:
Arabic Linguist Fired From Army For Being Openly Gay I know Obama's got a lot of shit on his plate right now, and the whole gays in the military thing is one more intractable political monkeyfuck that he doesn't need, and I'm sure he'll get around to it eventually. It's just that it's so clearly and obviously stupid that it pains me every time it happens. How does the conversation even go, anyway?
"Sir, we have this guy who's a platoon leader, graduated from West Point, served honorably in Iraq and speaks fluent Arabic."
"Great, we can really use a guy like that!"
"He's gay."
"Kick him to the curb. We don't need that kind of trash in here."
I mean, do these people get whiplash from that kind of mental u-turn? Honestly, I know it's supposed to be a cardinal sin in this day and age to dare criticize the military, but if the top brass can't resolve this kind of cognitive dissonance rationally, what the hell other kind of bizarre doublethink is going on in the armed forces, and are people who can't get a grip on rational thinking really the ones we want protecting our country?
Just putting that out there....