I'm really far from the water.
Extremely powerful Typhoon No. 14 moves closer to Kyushu It's plotted to come straight up the west coast of the country, and will probably hit the Kyoto area sometime tomorrow. From my experience, though, all we'll get here will be some higher than normal wind and more rain. Nothing too drastic..... Kyoto seems to be lucky with natural diasters - most temples that have been destroyed in their time were destroyed by fire, not earthquake, and if Kyoto was really earthquake-prone, then
Kiyomizu Temple would have fallen into the city long ago. As for typhoons, I have a lot of elderly students who have lived in Kyoto for their whole lives, and none of them remember a truly destructive typhoon. So I'm not too worried.
Plus, if there is actually a disaster, the major convenience store chains in the country have pledged to work together to serve as emergency centers. Rock on.