Hello, LJ land! I didn't fall off a cliff or anything. I don't think there are many of those here. Anyway, Christmas decoration pictures are
Christmas tree! It's very pretty. We had fun at the tree farm, despite a slightly sleepy (and grumpy) Jack.
Another view. This one shows a few of my ornaments that had been my grandparents, including the cowboy snowman.
Stairway. I made the stockings. I like to make new ones every so often.
Close up. The middle one is Dexter.
Here he is, for comparison. My squishy! He loves Christmas, it's hilarious. He's been "helping" with crafts and wrapping gifts.
Another cutie pie! Jack in front of the tree with his new polar bear, Jackson. He went on "The Polar Bear Express" with his Nana and they all received the bears as gifts from Santa. Pretty cute!
The world's largest poinsettia. They sell these as a fundraiser for Jack's school and it was $14. It's about 2 feet tall and 2 feet across!
Side view of the mantle. The drummer boy candle was my grandma's, and the bunny with the tree is musical and was a gift from my great Aunt Lorraine. It's one of my favorite Christmas decorations.
Front of the mantle. These are our current stockings. I think we'll get new ones next year.
The dining room table. I love the snowflakes! Here, have another pic for good measure.
And one more of Jack for good measure.
That's him enjoying some white chocolate. He's my boy - he loves chocolate in all forms, from white to dark. :)
Merry Christmas everyone!