God, I'm sorta bored!!! D:
Oh, btw - this is my weekend with my lap-top. My Saturday with my lap-top, to be more accurate. XD Adrian's been taking care of it, and Penunuri - a friend of ours - is happy to leave notepads with notes on my desktop which I'm reading and answering and laughing at now. They're adorably crazy. :)
But the problem is, I've been left a couple of times withour A THING to do. I don't watch much tv, and most of my spare time is spent in the interneitz, so now that I've been deprived of my lap-top I've returned to my childhood and have been reading. A LOT. Everytime I hold a brush or a pencil I don't seem to have the pulse I need - I've messed up two watercolors so far, so I've concluded that my source of power is the internetz. XD
Luckily for me, these two evil-doers are taking me to the beach tonight. It's freaking cold in june, but we'll go play on the beach and have fun.
Now, seriously. Here's a killer squirrel.