Bit of a work in progress. I haven't drawn for quite some time, now...
This is what I like to do when I wait for my mom at Starbucks. Since I don't distract myself with the internet or the msn, I work better and faster.
I've got quite some work - doing a digital gallery for a plastic surgery clinic and some other stuff. That means business' doing great - but I can't help feeling guilty for being designing more and drawing less. I must not forget the objectives I've already set to myself, since that's what I want, after all...
Oh, in other non-art non-work stuff, a friend's friend asked me out in what I think could be qualified as a date. Saw Clone Wars today - didn't think much of it. I'm really annoyed by Anakin's padawan. Aaaaand we met with Daniel, a friend I hadn't seen for three years, for some coffee - AMAZING what time and therapy can do for a person. He evolved in a most amazing way. XD
...Now back to my very urgent digital gallery that must be delivered tomorrow. Another sleepless night is in order.
PS: Got my Animation Mentor package today on the mail. I actually girly-screamed when my brother gave it to me. Now I've got something to show to the poor rich people I ask money to!!!! 8D