Apr 16, 2007 19:42
My brother Gustavo and I just had a lightsaber duel with brushes with acrylic paint. He was the green one and I was the blue one.
I was painting my little cubes for the castle I'm supposed to deliver tomorrow morning, and he came and started poking me - until I turned around and painted a green line on his face. He took the brush from me and painted my tee - which won't get the spot off since it's fabric. So I took the blue brush Ana gave me and I chased him around up the stairs, on my mom's bed and back, and in the hall we started dueling as if they were lightsabers. I went out with several green (and blue XP) marks on my hands, two huge green stripes on my pants (that's my third jeans ruined with acrylic :S), shoes and tee. Oh, and I also have green hair. Good luck me in a few minutes when I take a shower!!!
But I won. GOOOO MEEEE!!! He got loads of blue paint on his face and t-shirt, but (>8D) I managed to paint his teeth and gum blue. *evil face*. I win!!!
Now I have to write an article on either wonderful chocolate or coffee, and get back to my castle. ^_^
PS: ...suddenly I have the strong urge to take acrylics tomorrow to school. Oh, and we painted the walls of the hall as well. But Pedro made a peso XD for taking them off with a wipe.
quick blabbing,