Final Fantasy VIII Defeated!

Jun 23, 2004 22:13

So I finally beat FFVIII Tuesday at 2:15am. Actually my brother did. Man, the final boss was hard. I gave it a whirl and died 1/4 into it. So I asked John if he wanted a crack at it before I tried again. It was about 30 minutes prep time and an hour to beat the final boss. Not only was it hard but it was painful having to wait though all those GF summonings. So after seeing the ending I still have some questions. Maybe that is because the first ¾ of the game was played 3 years ago and is fuzzy, but I still don’t get the Squall/Laguna thing. I mean, I think I do, but when I was playing Kingdom Hearts you have to fight Laguna and everyone calls him Squall and Laguna shouts back that he is Laguna not Squall so… I’m just confused. Actually, I think all of you reading this are confused because I didn’t want to type any spoilers so this is ambiguous. But I just want to give a big thank you to Mel-chan for buying the game for me. Thank You. It was so much fun and pretty.

Yesterday I cleaned my bathroom and room from top to bottom. I thought it would make me feel better but the rest of the house is so messy it didn’t really. Sad thing is, I can’t really do much about the rest of the house because it is all my Mom’s stuff. Hmm… maybe I can work something out.

Today I started playing Castlevania: Lament of Innocence. My brother already played and defeated it. It only took him about 10 hours of game play so it is a pretty short game. His opinion was that is was good but not as good as the previous one, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. When I first started playing it I wasn’t to sure I would like it because I was sucking at killing stuff, but once I got the hang of it I really started enjoying the game. Right now, I am taking a break because I got to a part that I am having trouble with. The game is pretty, my one complaint it that you have to move with the analog stick. I hate, hate, hate that. Grrr… stupid game makers what is so hard about designing a game where the player gets to choose how he wants to move.
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