
Jul 28, 2006 21:55

Title: Echo (1/1)
Fandom: Prison Break
Pairing: Implied Veronia/Michael, Implied Sara/Lincoln (it's a little hard to explain but all will make sense once you've read)
Length: 3281 words
Rating: PG-15 for swearing and some very mild sexual references
Summary: Sometimes all you can see is what's not there.
Author's Note: The first half of this ( Read more... )

lincoln/sara, veronica/michael, lincoln/veronica, prison break

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Comments 23

accrues July 28 2006, 14:53:00 UTC
Just before I comment, let me say - your mood theme cracks me up every time. I read a pb fic like this, then there's Rose standing by a dalek looking worried. Both fandoms. Anyway...

Brilliant. I am very very very anti Veronica/Michael and Lincoln/Sara, but you have put me on the verge of conversion with this fic. I love the Lincoln/Sara the most, the conversation they hold makes just that much sense. I really enjoyed this.

“Takes a good doctor to stand with a patient who’s about to be fried.” He’s watching her, his dark eyes searching her face, and she’s reminded uncomfortably of Michael’s intent stare. “Especially when she objects so strongly to the process in question.”
I just want to hug both of them. It's a beautiful conversation, and his dialogue here is just gorgeous.

As always, you write brilliantly, and I'm going to have to ask you again if I can add this to my recc reading list :)


msgenevieve July 28 2006, 14:58:22 UTC
I love my mood theme. *g*

I am very very very anti Veronica/Michael and Lincoln/Sara, but you have put me on the verge of conversion with this fic.

To be honest? I'm not really a fan either. I just like delving into these things, to stretch my OTP writing wings a little, if you like.

I just want to hug both of them. It's a beautiful conversation, and his dialogue here is just gorgeous.

becisvolatile handed me more of those beautiful words on a silver platter, and I can't thank her enough for it.

Thank you, and yes, add away. You don't have to ask me, you know - I'll always be happy for you to do that. *g*


msgenevieve July 28 2006, 14:59:06 UTC
Sigh, I think it's time for bed. I meant to say that Bec handed me MOST of those beautiful words on a silver platter, and I can't thank her enough for it.


accrues July 28 2006, 15:02:41 UTC
:D Thankyou Gen, I'll just add away whenever I like one of your fics now. And it most certainly is time for bed for me, I keep adding e's onto pretty much any word that I can.

Well breaking canon and OTP is fun :D just as long as we get to keep our pretty OTP's hehe :)


jaybee65 July 28 2006, 16:36:15 UTC
This is lovely and very, very powerful -- the parallelism works so well, and yet I think the two characters have their own distinctive voices.

And isn't it fun to play at the edges of OTPs? *g*


msgenevieve July 29 2006, 05:48:26 UTC
As I said to you yesterday, my main worry was that the two women sounded like themselves, not each other. Thanks so much for letting me bounce all this stuff off you, lol!


modernthirst July 28 2006, 16:49:22 UTC
Ha I had to dare myself to read this because I thought it would be different than it was.

I love how at its roots this fic is about genetics, which is hilarious and awesome. I also liked how you used some of the concepts in both parts, like the warmth of their skin. Excellent.

You're so good. I really wish you'd write, like, 5 fics a day or something.


msgenevieve July 29 2006, 05:47:36 UTC
Ha I had to dare myself to read this because I thought it would be different than it was.

Oh, I know. I had to stop myself from adding "It's not what you think, honest! Nothing happens!" to the summary/author's notes, lol! I have the feeling that a few of the people who usually read my stuff might skip this one, but that's life. *g* I'm so glad you decided to read it, thanks so much for the supportive feedback.

I really wish you'd write, like, 5 fics a day or something.

Gah, I hope they're short ones, lol!


mercurybard July 28 2006, 17:23:08 UTC
The two boys teasing her about her always-cold hands, Michael taking great delight in reciting all the facts he knew about cold-blooded creatures, Lincoln taking pity on her and giving her his gloves, telling her to keep them. --ah, that was sweet of Linc. And very Michael of Michael. He must have been an annoying little brat as a kid.

then is immediately annoyed that he has once again popped into her head like a damned jack-in-the-box. --I like the phrasing

Of the two parts, I like the Michael / Veronica better because I think you did a very, very good job of explaining just what was going on in that scene from "Brother's Keeper" and delving into just how deep V's past is with these two men. Sara hasn't known either of them long enough to get that kind of true awkward / conflictedness going on. Not to say Linc / Sara wasn't beautiful as well. You're an excellent writer.


mercurybard July 28 2006, 17:24:07 UTC
And lo and behold, my PB icon just happens to be a M / V one. It's not my OTP, so talk about your weird coincidences. ;)


msgenevieve July 29 2006, 05:44:59 UTC
And very Michael of Michael. He must have been an annoying little brat as a kid.

Oh, I'm quite sure he was obnoxious when he wanted to be, lol!

Of the two parts, I like the Michael / Veronica better because I think you did a very, very good job of explaining just what was going on in that scene from "Brother's Keeper" and delving into just how deep V's past is with these two men. Sara hasn't known either of them long enough to get that kind of true awkward / conflictedness going on.

Thanks very much, and I agree. Michael and Veronica have a lot of history and that part was much easier to write - perhaps because I can totally buy that Veronica may have struggled with that particular conflict in the past. The Sara and Lincoln conversation was determined to stay stilted and much shorter, and I think that's the way it should be. Or maybe I just love my Michael/Sara OTP a little too much. Heh.


snowwhite22 July 28 2006, 22:17:07 UTC
Lovely, dear! Great, great job.

There's something about these brothers- like yin and yang- that people (or at least V and Sara) respond to. It's very intriguing to watch on screen and you've caught it just as well- no, BETTER- than they portray it on camera. Very enticing to read.

You know, you remind me of a conversation I had with Pamalax. There are some great writers out there, but often, especially in fic, they get boxed into one theme or ship. A sign of a good writer is being able to break out of the comfort zone and write something your mind wouldn't automatically jump to, like you've done here. :)


msgenevieve July 29 2006, 05:41:02 UTC
There are some great writers out there, but often, especially in fic, they get boxed into one theme or ship. A sign of a good writer is being able to break out of the comfort zone and write something your mind wouldn't automatically jump to, like you've done here.Don't forget, too, that when you fall in love with a new OTP, you really love to write about them, and sometimes it takes a while before you figuratively lift your head and think, "Right, what else could I try to write?" I've been in various fandoms for a while - I first started writing in the La Femme Nikita in 1999, and when I first started writing, it was *all* about Michael and Nikita. But as time went by, while I still loved writing that pairing, I started writing gen pieces about other characters and even *gasp* whole stories that didn't have Michael or Nikita in them. *g* And that, I found, really helped me embrace the show as a whole, to see the bigger picture of where everyone was at, and that made writing my OTP even more enjoyable ( ... )


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