LOL forever at this icon

Sep 29, 2011 10:00


I have had this icon saved to my hard drive forever. I have no idea where I got it or who made it, but it makes me laugh every time I see it, which is good enough reason to finally use it.

So, here is an unlocked, non-emo, fangirl post. Phew, it's been a while!





This show has managed to save what was left of my sad little fangirl soul after the Prison Break Powers That Be stomped all over it. koalathebear sent me the first seven eps of Castle earlier this year, I watched them over the Easter Break, and by the end of the pilot episode, I was doing the 'Oh, my God, why have I been holding out all this time?" flailing dance.

The writing is fabulous, the entire cast is perfect and the UST between the two leads has just so amazingly well-timed and handled that I end up looking like this after every single episode.

And I have been reading Castle fic. When I say reading, I mean GORGING MYSELF ON IT. I have spent more time reading at in these last few months than I have in my entire fangirl life. I have had no complusion (so far) to actually write anything, though. Funny how it can take you like that. With Prison Break, I only lasted a few weeks of watching the show before I jumped in because I had SO MANY SHIPPY IDEAS IN MY HEAD OMG, but with Castle, that urge just isn't there. But don't let that stop any of YOU from writing lots of Castle fic, okay? *eyes you all hopefully*

It was the same with Doctor Who. I watched obsessively and read a lot of fic, but I never really felt the urge to write Doctor/Rose, although I still ship them like (cliched because it's true!) BURNING. I mean, how could I not?

Thank God for extended outtakes, right? Sadly, I am no longer watching Doctor Who, as my love for Nine and Ten and Rose and Donna has been usurped by my dislike of Eleven and River Song. It's like Six all over again! (That would be the last time I abandoned Who, and I don't even want to think about how long ago that was!)

In other news, I am conflicted over the upcoming Stephanie Plum in "One of the Money" movie. I used to adore these books by Janet Evanovich, but haven't really enjoyed them for the last four or so releases. And I dislike Katherine Heigl. Like, a lot. But I stumbled onto this promo for the movie and now I'm all 'hearts for pupils' and wanting to go back and reread the book and already deciding I'll go see this when it comes out. I don't like feeling so fickle, but I guess that comes with being a fangirl. LOL.

image Click to view

It's like the first (and favourite) book come to life, and I want it now. *makes grabby hands* Castle fans, correct me if I'm wrong, but does the guy playing Ranger (her mentor) look a lot like the "Esposito" from the Nikki Heat movie? ETA: Not the same actor but guess what I just found out? Justice Gamble, the actor who *did* play Esposito in the Nikki Heat episode also played the gorgeous bartender (wearing eyeliner, be still my heart) in Castle 3.01 "A Deadly Affair". Hee! They obviously liked his work. I know I did.

And finally, I want to say something about Prison Break. *sighs* I have been an online fangirl since 1998, and Michael/Sara truly were the OTP to end all OTPs for me. They made me write baby!fic, for goodness sake, something no other pairing had ever made me do. They will always be my favourite pairing (backed up with my guilty pleasure OTP of Went/Sarah) but I still can't watch my DVDs. The way the show ended left such a bad taste in my mouth (to this day I haven't watched more than a few minutes of The Final Break), and it still makes me so sad (and yes, rather ticked off as well) that I can't really enjoy what was (and still is) my favourite pairing of all time. There are some lovely discussion comms happening, but I find it hard to contribute anything other than, "NS and MO need to die in a fire for what they did," and other off-kilter ramblings, so hmmmm, yes, I need to work on that.

Because flawless OTP is still flawless.

Thoughts? Advice? Finger-shaking and disapproving tsking? I'll take anything. *g*

prison break, fangirling, doctor who, castle, fandom

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