best amazon purchase ever

Nov 01, 2009 14:12

The lovely purplemoongrl gave me an Amazon voucher for my birthday recently, and I vowed that I would use it wisely. After umming and ahhing over various things, I finally ordered the new "Behind the Scenes" Prison Break book, figuring that even if I was still very very very angry over the ending, it might still give me enough shiny pictures etc to help ease the pain.


I cannot WAIT to have this book in my hot little hands. Because, dear GOD, look at those photographs.

I was hoping very hard to get some candid behind-the-scenes shots or outtake shots, but these are beyond my expectations. These photographs make me so happy, I can't even begin to tell you. It's funny, but I've spent so long now ignoring the canon ending of the show that for me these lovely new photographs have nothing to do with the ending but with my two favourite actors and characters and MY GOODNESS ME AREN'T THEY SIMPLY DIVINE? *grins and flails some more*

So, purplemoongrl? I think we can call this a successful birthday mission, don't you? *grins*

behind the scenes, the special bus straight to hell, wentworth and sarah make me happy, tptb can bite me

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