scribblecat and msgen go mad in yogo alley

Aug 16, 2009 21:38

I should warn you all mention that scribblecat paid me a visit during the week. She and I went to the local carnival, aka The Ekka, on Thursday then we had a sleepover at my place on Thursday night.

She took lots of photos.

We ate a lot of food on sticks.

We talked about The Went and The SWC a lot.

We had very serious conversations about items we needed to purchase for our Went and Sarah dolls in the middle of a crowded cow paddock.

On Friday, we watched the SWC episode of Dragnet and fangirled, drank coffee and ate Turkish bread and talked about fic and RPF and all that usual stuff.

And, as always, we laughed until my stomach hurt.

Sadly, she left her camera USB cable on my computer desk, which means she hasn't been able to share with you the hilarious and fabulous goodness of her photographs as yet. *makes sad face*

BUT! I am sending it at top speed to her tomorrow via winged beastie (well, a courier guy) to remedy that dire situation. *makes happy face*

In closing, I thoroughly recommend scribblecat as a houseguest. She's quiet, she's neat, she doesn't eat much, and if you let her wander at will, she will dust your bookshelves and feed your pets. *nods*

scribblecat, the ekka, dolls

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