Title: Unto the Breach (1/1)
Fandom: Prison Break
Characters: Lincoln Burrows, Michael Scofield
Genre: Gen, with smooshy-brotherly overtones for the birthday girl
Pairing: None
Length: 200 words
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The irony would break his heart if he let it. Set early during Season One, and contains two lines of Dialogue from "Riots, Drills and the Devil, Part Two". The title is taken from "Henry V", by my old friend Will Shakespeare. Written for
halfshellvenus for her birthday on Sunday, whenever that may come in her part of the world. Happy Birthday!
By the time his brother finally believes in his innocence, it’s too late. There may be no secrets between them now, but the walls dividing them are more unbreakable than any barriers of misunderstanding and suspicion.
The irony would break his heart if he let it.
When Michael breaches the wall and seeks him out in the dimly lit chapel of Fox River, it’s still not enough. They’re as far apart as they’ve ever been, staring at each other across a divide hollowed out by mistrust and guilt and blame. Lincoln wants to believe, he truly does, but his head is too crammed with regret and sorrow and anger.
There is no room for hope.
It’s only when they find each other in the brutal aftermath of the riots, both of them streaked with blood and fear, that Lincoln finally starts to believe - to hope - the way Michael does. “Michael! Are you all right?”
“Yes. You?”
Mute with relief and an emotion that skirts closer to shattering him with every breath he takes, he hugs his brother tighter, feeling the fragile but stubborn bones give beneath his desperate embrace, and he thinks that maybe it’s not too late after all.