Title: The Land of the Living (1/1)
Fandom: Prison Break
Characters: Sara Tancredi, Gretchen Morgan, LJ Burrows, Bruce Bennett
Pairing: Michael/Sara
Length: 6,505 words
Rating: R (for violence)
Summary: There is a land of the living and a land of the dead and the bridge is love, the only survival, the only meaning. Spoilers for #222, Sona and #
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My favourite type of fic is the angsty horrific kind and what you gave us from that small amount (so far) of canon well, it's like Christmas for sickos. So many levels and layers and also light. Gosh. Just so juicy.
“Go to hell,” Sara tells her, and has the satisfaction of seeing the blue eyes narrow in irritation. It’s a short-lived feeling, however, as the woman rubs her knuckles gently down the side of Sara’s face, her scarlet lips curved in a smirk.
“Oh, honey. I’m already there.”
Sooooooo so them!
She remembers crying without making a sound, the tears streaming silently down her face, then the prick of another needle and the world going black.
Very strong visual there. In fact it was all like that. You really put us right there next to Sara and we can feel her pain and fear.
She runs until the sole of her right foot is torn and bleeding and her legs are trembling beneath her. She runs until the sweat drips into every single cut on her skin, making her grit her teeth in agony. And as she runs, she replays her last conversation with Michael in her head over and over again, the words keeping time with her feet. I love you I love you I love you.
And a great end too. Two thumbs up from me.
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