Seven days to go, and I am dead all over again.
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God, I love them.
I love their banter, the way they listen so intently when the other one is speaking. I love that it's so obvious they've spent hours talking about their characters and their relationship. I love that she teases him. I love that he laughs at her teasing as though it's the funniest thing he's heard all day. I love their fidgeting hands and Sarah's crossed legs (VA VA VOOM!) and the smirking and the laughing and the suddenly serious eye contact and and and -
Let's just say I love them and be done with it, shall we?
Oh, wait. I also love that Went snarked (politely, but still snarked) at TPTB for not quite getting the Michael/Sara relationship right during Season Two. I also may adore him for saying that while it's not a show about romance, the romance is threaded through the show, that in between the car crashes and the gun shots, these two people are trying to find each other.
Hot, super smart and totally in tune with each other. Why are these two people not together and making smart, gorgeous babies in every spare moment? *pushes aside annoying things like Real Life*
In closing?