Title: Little by Little (1/1)
Fandom: Prison Break
Pairing: Michael/Sara
Genre: Het, AU
Length: 2,538 words
Rating: PG-15
Summary:Nothing can be done except little by little. Set in the Full Circle universe, this takes place between Safe House and India.
Author's Note:Written for
purplemoongrl on the Very Secret Occasion (ha, not anymore!) of Her Birthday.
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I would love to see always-in-control-Michael having an argument with no-nonsense-and-let-it-all-out-Sara. Though they have a lot of the same characteristics I have the feeling he is going to have his hands full because she is no pushover and more temperamental than he is. Michael seems someone who can not stay angry very long and I even suspect that it would hurt him or make him anxious.
her anger slipping as she remembers Michael's wounded expression
How can you stay angry at that?
To his credit, Michael has the decency to look sheepish when she opens the door to the examination room.
Adorkable all the way. LOL
She can't let him leave without putting things right, not when he came all the way down to the clinic clutching a goddamned container of salad.
It is so incredibly sweet that he could not wait till she came home to kiss and make up.
"You'll get the feeling back. I know you will."
Lovely reverse shout out to the Chicago train scene and the sense of deja vu in the infirmary.
with the same ache of frustration she experienced every day during his incarceration at Fox River
Damn Katie uh, Rachel for interrupting again.
It is a perfect birtday gift.
Thank you so much for writing this for me and also for all our fun 'talks' late at night or early in the morning, because of those damn timezones.
*hugs you*
Oh, YES. I would give anything for raised voices and home truths and the air literally crackling with emotion and tension and then of course comes the POUNCING. *g*
I'm so happy you liked this, and sorry for springing it on you. I just couldn't wait to give it to you, lol! *hugs you*
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