And here, ladies and gents, is where I officially SQUEE.

May 16, 2008 21:54

You know something?

My week has been less than inspiring (my adventures have included a a fruitless MRI scan meant to discover the cause of my wonky legs and hips to two solid and very long days of organising relocations at work that I never wish to speak of again) but I don't care about any of that now because a huge percentage of my friends page is one giant fannish party. I'd call for a freaking group hug, but that would mean I'd have to stop flailing for a few seconds, and I don't think that's possible tonight.

I have nothing deep and meaningful to say about these pictures, other than my girlcrush on Sarah Wayne Callies has just escalated beyond all human comprehension and that only thing I love more than seeing the four of them together again is seeing Went and Sarah standing arm in arm and smiling.


dominic purcell, dear god it's actually happening!, flail, sarah wayne callies, gosh look at those legs, amaury nolasco, my rpf brain go boom!, wentworth miller, squee, fox 2008 upfronts

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