Apr 11, 2008 16:46
We picked up the keys to the new house today. We took the dog with us, so we could introduce him to his new home a few days before we officially move in. He behaved as though we were visiting friends, ie quite well, and he was rather excited at the sight of the pool. He likes to swim, you see, although he does tend to stick to dog-paddling. *g*
And when I say keys, I'm talking keys. Besides the ones for the security grille doors and the normal doors, there are at least another ten keys that fit nothing in the house and we have no idea what they're supposed to be for. I guess trying to find homes for them will keep us occupied in the months ahead, lol!
On the downside, after our visit I came home and promptly called the cleaning service I'd organised to do an 'end of lease' clean on this place and told her I needed them to clean the new place instead, because it looks as though the former tenants weren't all that familiar with the concept of cleaning the property at the end of your lease.
In more pleasant news, the pool is blue and sparkling and there is as much room as we thought there was and the garden has been tidied up. The downside of this is that my husband had been making joking remarks about getting some amusing garden gnomes, and the more I think about it, the less certain I am that he's joking. Halp!
why are people so irresponsible?,
moving house